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Replace menu text with image in Joomla 1.5

This article shows how to replace the text menu link with an image.  Learn to use image instead of text in a menu item.  choosing a menu image is not just enough. Read on to learn how to replace the link text with image.


Replace menu text with image in Joomla 1.5Login to the administrator panel and open the menu item to be  edited. Go to the  Parameters section on the right side. click on the parameters (System) title and choose the menu image from the drop down options. If your image is not listed in the list, upload the image into the “/images/stories/” directory. All the images inside this directory will be listed in this select dropdown list.


Now, go to the module manager from the extensions menu, choose the menu module in which you need to use the image instead of the text. Now, click on the other parameters options in the parameters on the right panel. do the following:

  1. choose the “Yes” for Show Menu Images.
  2. Choose  “Yes” for Menu Image Link.
  3. Clear the cache.

NOTE:  If you need the menu image along with the text, choose, “No” for the Menu Image Link. Optionally, you can choose the alignment of the image into left/right/none.